Wine list

Wine list

An exceptional cellar with diversified and carefully chosen references.

The Monrecour wine cellar focuses on the careful selection and sale of quality wines, from vineyards that respect the environment and practice sustainable viticulture.
We want to offer a unique experience to wine lovers by offering products that are not only delicious, but also tell the story of their land.
Our commitment to excellence, traceability and the diversity of the wines offered offers a rewarding oenological experience, while contributing to the support of small producers.
Within La Table de Monrecour, a place for meeting and sharing, we want to enhance dishes by advising our hosts and thus promote informed consumption. The eye is just as busy as the palate. A showcase of pleasure, all made of glass and oak pillars, the cellar is directly located in the large restaurant room. As a symbol of sharing and transparency.

With more than 500 references, their richness allows great flexibility and an incredible choice for the palate of our guests. The Monrecour wine cellar aims to offer a selection of authentic quality wines, and to improve the knowledge and appreciation of wine among our customers.

We will focus on discovery and tasting, and plan to organize regular events and workshops to introduce our customers to the subtleties of wine and wine culture.

Wine list

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